Welcome (back?) to Slightly Cracked! Updated Mon. Wed. & Fri!
As the filler says, so much freakin schoolwork it's not even funny..
As soon as I'm done with these tests and papers you will get a real comic again..
I'll try to post some sketches and stuff on update days if I don't have a comic ready
If you want to know when the comic is back to regular updates keep an eye on the forums (which you can get to from the link above the comic)
I also have a slightlycracked myspace that i post abulletin when a new comic is uploaded, you can add me http://www.myspace.com/slightlycracked and stay informed!
oh also, there is a question about the comic font on the forums that I'd like your input on.. please check it out and let me know what you think!
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